You've been doing great with your health and wellness sheets! We're about to start a series with this about setting SMART goals!
SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. We're going to focus on a portion of that in each of our challenge updates leading up to a release of a new health and wellness chart in January!

Keep on your toes and don't quit!
For October 29th through November 11th we're looking at the S in SMART.
Specific Goals look at what will be accomplished or what actions we need to take. An easy way to make sure your goal is specific is to think about the 5 W’s. Who, What, When, Where, Why. Every goal doesn’t have to answer all those questions, but it should be able to answer a few.
When setting your goals this week try to be SPECIFIC! Can you underline or highlight the part of your goal that makes it specific when you turn in your next health and wellness charts?
It's time to announce our winners from the Top 3! sheets for September! Aurora Manning and Callie Reider! You've each won an EMDC water bottle!

Get your health and wellness sheets turned in for your chance to win! Our October winners will be getting a tasty treat!
You can download a printable version here: